This week i've been spending alot and now i'm broke. i went to the doctor to get my eyes checked up and I ordered contacts. that took alot of my spending money. so now it's back to saving up again. Hopefully this week's work can help me get some money so that i can do the things i planned. I want to go to Celebration in the Oaks with my sisters. other than that.. get more christmas gifts. And save up more $$ to get tickets to Josh Gorban's concert for March 11th. I love that dude! saw sneek peek of his concert on tv and it made my bones shivered.
Oh Yeah, my house have the internet now but it's not cable. Since my house is all covered in cemet, it would take months just to get cable. SO my dad just decided to screw cable and just get satelite, because football season is back already and by the time we actually do have cable, he wouldn't be watching it much anyways. How many channels can you get with cable that you can't get on satelite? It's all the same to me.