Thursday, May 24, 2007
I See Dead People
Yes, I see dead people. I'm currently studying anatomy with cadavers. For the past two days, I've been in the same room with a few cadavers. At first I thought I would faint or throw up. But it's not that bad at all. It's just like dissecting fetus pigs in high school, but in a bigger form. Yes, the smell is bad when I get really close to the insides of a cadaver, but I'll get use to it. I'll be done in a few months, and I won't remember the smell anymore. I haven't dissect my cadaver yet tough. I studied with specimens and other cadavers that was dissected already only. I've studied with a skull, real but perserved brain, and someone's head cut vertically in half. I felt underprepared about the things i'm supposed to locate on the specimens today, but I'll go back this weekend to find it and know where it is for sure!!! I'm excited about being in this program and all the access of things to study from! Real specimens!! Good ones too!!! I'm glad i'm in a good school. Thank you for those who donated or will donate their bodies for students like to me to study. I'll make good use of it!! please help me study!! =) I think I will donate my body too, Maybe.