If at first you don't succeed,I had a feeling I didn't too well. Especially the case with the premature infant with IRDS. It was a bunch of 'Physician Disagrees'. I was so nervous to receive my results. When the lady looked at my scores, she made a sad face and said "I was so close... all I needed was one more point." FUX! And what do you know, my weakest area was that infant IRDS case. So I guess it is true, it only take one decision to change someone's life around. I probably killed that poor little baby in the simulation. Now I know, I'm not working anywhere near NICU's. I know I can pass it. So, I'll retake it. That's alot of money I'm wasting man. It was my first time anyways. SIGH... I was so depressed at first, and majorly mad because it was only one point away. But I have encouragements to continue and try again. I was on a roll with all these Boards though. It's okay.... I'm still a Board Certified Respiratory Therapist! I passed that board on the first try. And to take the Advanced Level Repiratory Therapist Board after three months was risky. But I passed the written part on my first try too!! I guess my high hopes got the best of me. And I was overly confident going into the Clinical Simulations. I thought I knew everything. But not enough. Damn that one point. **URGH** Now I know I need more time and be more focused. I did very well on information gathering though. But the Decision Making part was tough. I was one right decision away.. =(. And I have an exam on ECG's tomorrow too. I didn't even start studying for it this whole week because I was so focused on today's Boards. But I'm so sad to even think about exams. I think I should have waited til Christmas break to take it so I can focus on it more. Man, Why didn't I just wait til Christmas break to take it?!?!?! Sigh, having Boards in betweeen all these ridculously scheduled exams and Clinical Rotations is more than I can handle. I think people call it... Biting off more than I can chew. I feel like crying man. But I'm not. Just disappointed. At least I passed the written part. Okay, enough of that stupid board results. I'm moving on. I still have to pass this semester. Now I can focus on school again. I need to make up that C I made in Cardivascular Pathophysiology. I sacrificed an exam grade to study for Boards. I can't make a bad grade in ECG either. I have to keep my A in that class. Okay enough ranting. thanks for reading.... Until I have good news, I'll be back later.
pick yourself up and try again.
I think the saddest part about today was when my mom found out I didn't pass; not when I found out I failed it. That's when my tears came today.