Thursday, July 23, 2009
Summer 09
It's been a very long time since I've written in here. And I don't know where to begin writing. This summer has been blissful in many ways and quite depressing in others. I'm a newly graduate in rough times. I've been going on interviews and applying for work but still no luck. But all in all, looking on the bright side, I also had alot of time to spend with Vinh and getting to know him and his family better. His dad just got laid off this week and both of us are not working. And it's difficult to enjoy ourselves in these rough times. We're adults and must be resposible for every action we proceed with. Most days we don't do much and we're very bored out of our minds. Well at least I am. And I hate not to be working already. =\ Very Big **SIGH** But we try to occupy ourselves. I hate to be using the same complaint everyone is using with the slow economy. You'd think that it may not affect the healthcare system, but it sure is. But I hope there are brighter days to come. Sure there will right? =) I'm hopeful. I have my ups and downs, and right now, Let's just say I'm just not in the Ups, but I'm hardly in the Downs. You can't have everything right? well, I'm thankful for what I do have. All the people in my life. and all the small in bwtweens lil dramas and whatnots that's going on in my life. Hmmmm... I'm really out of tune with all this writing. But yeah, I'll be back. Vinh is calling.