Wednesday, July 28, 2004

got bored

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:

1. talking too much

2. spend too much money

3. daydreaming

4. staying up late

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:

1. A car of my own

2. more money

3. longer hair

4. a credit card

Name Five Scents You Love:

1. clean air

2. New born baby

3. a cake being baked

4. Waffles/Pancakes

5. Chocolate

Name Six People That Know You the Best:

1. Me

2. thao-vi

3. anna

4. linda

5. mom

6. grandma

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:

1. Sponge Bob Costume for Halloween

2. Hannan's Uniform anymore!

3. earings that would irritate me

4. Small sized shoes

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:

1. Where's thao-vi?

2. Is the clothes in the dryer done.

3. I hope I don't have any missed calls

4. What's for dinner?

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:

1. I babysat tanner and tyler

2. Went to wal-mart to pick up disney pics

3. tried to organize the pictures

4. clean my room to find photo albums

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:

1. Disney pictures

2. Drinks at Sonics

3. Gas

4. Stamps

Name Five Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:

1. Avalon

2. daphne loves derby

3. Dong Bang Shin Gi

4. The Calling

5. Lifehouse

Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:

1. Peach Iced Tea

2. Water

3. Sonics Slushies

4. Orange Soda

5. Coke

1. First Grade Teacher Name? Mrs. Washington

2. Last Words You Said: What are my favorite bands? ( i asked myself)

3. Last Song You Sang? thw whole song of Sukiyaki

4. Last Person You Hugged? My nephew Tanner when he went home

5. Last Thing You Laughed At? When me and my sister made jokes from Nhu Quynh's blinking eyes

6. Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It? to my nephew Tanner when I hugged him

7. Last Time You Cried? watching a phin tau last night

8. What's In Your CD Player? My burnt Love Mix Cd, Metamorphisis (Hilary Duff), Best Of Chinese Melodies Vol. 3.

9. What Color Socks Are You Wearing? Not wearing any socks

10. What's Under Your Bed? Dust and hair maybe?

11. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 9:30

12. Current Taste? chocolate

13. Current Hair? Tied up in a half ponytail and ball

14. Current Clothes? Jeans and t-shirt

15. Current Annoyance? uneven nails

16. Current Longing? Pensacola in a few days

17. Current Desktop Picture? Adrian my other Nephew

18. Current Worry? No More Money!!!!

19. Current Hate? No Money

20. Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex? face (eyes and smile)

21. Last CD You Bought? Oxygen: Avalon

22. Favorite Place To Be? my backyard hammock

23. Least Favorite Place? work

24. Time You Wake Up In The Morning? 9:00

25. If You Could Play An Instrument? piano

26. Favorite Color? any shades of blue

27. Do You Believe In An Afterlife? Yeah

28. How Tall Are You? 5'0

29. Current Favorite Word/Saying? That's weird!

30. Favorite Book? none

31. Favorite Season? all four

32. One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To: Kim-Thuy

33. Favorite Day? Sunday

34. Where Would You Like To Go? On a boat out in the water

35. What Is Your Career Going To Be Like? Dentistry

36. How Many Kids Do You Want? at least 2

37. Favorite Car? None

38. Type A Line You Remember From Any Book: "the greatest things comes in small packages"

39. A Random Lyric: "By Heart, By Soul, that's how i want to know you"

40. Identify Some Of The Things Surrounding Your Computer: Hot Tamales, envelopes, cds, floppy disks, cell phone, Pens/ pencils.

I AM: Bored

I THINK: i need to do something else

I KNOW: today is not tuesday

I WANT: a new cd player

I HAVE: a broken cd player

I WISH: i can go back in time

I MISS: Katelyn

I FEAR: gaining too much weight

I HEAR: me chewing candy

I SEARCH: with yahoo

I WONDER: how i would look if i was skinny

I REGRET: not learning the whole song of Fur Elise

I LOVE: to sing

I CARE: about Family

I CHERISH: Memories


I AM NOT: skinny

I DANCE: crazy when no one's looking

I SING: love songs

I CRY: Watching movies

I DO NOT ALWAYS: catch on fast to jokes

I FIGHT: with my sisters

I WRITE: in a notebook as a journal

I WIN: and feel happy

I LOSE: and try again

I CONFUSE: people

I LISTEN: to my parents


I AM HAPPY ABOUT: being by myself and doing alright

I SHOULD: talk to my friends more often

I NEED: to lose weight

I FEEL: like i forgot something