Friday, September 30, 2005

Bored Again

Back to school for me. P-cola was fun while it lasted. I Miss my lil Buddies in 850. played the stupidest game ever. Made up the rules while i went along. It's so funny to think about a 20 year old playing with a bunch of kids... I was really babysitting them, like 10 of them -in one bedroom. It was so fun, my 25 year old brother came to join!! I Miss you guys!

By the way, the game was picking from a pile of folded papers each with an identity written in it, such as: Murderer, Victim, Judge, Police, Witness... & not let anyone know of your identity and act it out in the DARK! When the Judge thinks someone killed someone... he turns on the lights. It's really fun when you actually do it!

Trying a thing here where i can add up all my comments i'm getting from now and on. Hehehe... Let's see if it works. I Must be Bored again. I really should be studying....