Tuesday, October 3, 2006

City Lights

Excerpt from an old journal entry:

One Sunday morning (in Lafayette), my sisters and I planned to go to New Orleans and we had to go to church early, and we saw the sunrise that day with yellow, purple, pinks, and orange. It was beautiful. We wanted to take a picture of it, but the camera couldn't capture it. Only the eyes of human can capture that kind of sight. I thought to myself. I’m glad to be alive to see this day. It was beautiful, and for an instant I felt Love. Maybe it was God that gave me that gift of love that morning, but that wasn't the end. By the end of the day, we drove back and the sun was setting. It was beautiful too.

Thoughts for Today:

I <3 my life. Tonight, as I drove home from Kenner, driving up the high rise and down, I felt this feeling of Love again. It was love for my city. I love the sight of my city at night. It's so beautiful! It's like looking at the stars in the sky. I felt all warm and lubby dubby, like there's a big full moon right in front of you and you're with the one you love... just looking at it, loving it, and taking it all in. How good is that?! That one moment, I felt Love again. Is it true what people say that the sky seems bluer and the stars seem brighter when you think of that special someone?! I think it's somewhat true. You appreciate life more; life has more meaning; and you have someone to share it with.