It's time again. So what's been going on?! Let's see... what am i thinking about? My grandma went into the hospital last Thursday. went to visit her twice since then. Doctors say she can go home today. but not really sure. i hope to see her when i come home today. when i go home from school, she always ask me, Con di hoc ve a? And i say -da vang. and that's it. and then the other night, we had Popeyes, and my grandma loves Popeyes! And we realized if she was home she'd be eating it with us. We miss her so much. So yesterday me and my brother went bought Popeyes and brought it to the hospital for her. We know she liked it very much. all she do is sleep eat and pray. She wants to walk around but the nurses always tell her to stay in bed. My grandma is so funny, she say that she was feeling fine and that they just want to keep her in the hospital to make money by keeping her. Anyways, i have to face it, my grandama is not getting any younger and we love her too much to let go. If that day comes soon, i can only cherish the times I have with her right now.
Just Incase you're wondering, my grandama came home on Monday.
And here's a picture of me and my favorite cousin Paul.
I hope i made this longer.