Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year, New Leaf

This is a chance for me to do something. I have resolutions this year.
-First is not going online too much, so today is my last day. If someone wants to contact me, my number is 504-717-0687. I'm going to stick to one site, this one, so not alot of xanga no more.
-Second, I want to lose weight, but wanting is not the same as doing it. Dear God help me with some will power. I'm going to lose weight!!
-Third, Be nicer. Some people think i'm nice, but I don't think I am. I'm very selfish and inconsiderate of other's feelings. I need to learn to put myself into other's people shoes. I have to stop blurting out the wrong things.
-Lastly, I need to be smarter as in Street Smart. When i have to learn it the hard way, I will. Need to be quick and think smart and be wiser.

By the way, I'm going to write in my pen/notebook journal from now on. It's more private and more meaningful to me than typing things on the internet for the public to see. Okay, I feel bad that I won't be sharing anymore things about my life to friends anymore, but i don't want to seem conceited. I'm going to read about their lives more than I write about mines. Either way, writing in a notebook seem more real to me. like people always say, keep it real. And i'm going to keep it real by writing in a journal notebook. What got my starting to post journal entries all over the internet in the first place? oh well, i have too many journal places, and i need to stop it, losing track on entries here and there and who's on which journal site. However, I'll keep my membership on it, but only with the intent to keep in touch with friends. other than that, I got one thing to say to end this, Keep it real people.